Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can there be Real Essence within oneself?

Real essence:
original and 

How can one proclaim that he or she has true/real essence within themselves which seem so natural??? We are the product of our society specifically ideology of our culture. We tend to criticize, talk, behave in a certain manner which were influenced by ideologies and contexts. Even when we read texts, different interpretations are being made. We as readers bring along our social baggage when analyzing and reading the texts, thus creating multiple meanings. 

Hence femininity and masculinity are human made. :) So, we perform gender

Ideology creates our reality :(

In conclusion: No true essence within ourselves

*learnt from my Literary theory classes :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I totally agree!!
    Even if it's difficult to ponder of us as though we're merely the soldiers/puppets made by the society.. ☹
    I do think it's unfortunately true.
